台灣青旅這個週末晚上娛樂非常不簡單 連續兩晚 帶給各位驚豔的音樂表演
11/29 Friday 9PM –
來自澳洲的Max 將帶給各位歡笑以及悅耳的音樂表演
11/30 Saturday 9PM –
大家記得小米酒嗎? 多才多藝的小米酒將再次於台灣青旅演出 大家不要錯過喔!
The upcoming weekend at TYH will be filled with music and joys!
11/29 Friday 9PM –
Max from Australia, will be bringing everyone laughter and wonderful music!
11/30 Saturday 9PM –
小米酒, the experienced and talented singer will be performing at TYH once again!